Times 4 - Boxes of 11 oz. stemmed wine glasses
A 15% Buyer's Premium will be added to the final Sales Price. All applicable taxes will be assessed based on the sum of the sales price and buyer's premium.
Celebrations event rental in Sumner, IA has an amazing selection of items to offer in this online auction. Highlights of this auction are: (2) Ford 15 passenger vans, International box truck, 14,000 Lb. trailer, enclosed trailers, 800 poly folding chairs - mostly Lifetime, 150 Lifetime poly banquet tables, 14 complete event tents with sizes up to 40' x 120', audio and DJ related items, Sico staging, portable bars and refrigerated keg taps, Sico dance floor, poly arches & trellis, rubber flooring rolls, high volume fans, metal racking, wire welder, torch, generator, & table & decoration linens, & 100's of support and related event rental related items. Make sure to take the time to look over this amazing selection event rental items. There is over 500 to be sold on this auction! 15% Buyers premium.
15% online buyer's fee. No sales tax collected for this auction.
3% Credit Card Surcharge on line item on final billing and payment.
This is an extended bidding online auction - if anyone bids within the last 90 seconds of the item being sold - the bidding extends back to 90 seconds until there are no more bids made and the items up for sale times out
Simple Terms.
1. BUYERS - Backes Auctioneers can only describe the equipment as they see it. Most of their auctions are located off site and we can only describe what we see. We can only represent those items as the Sellers tell us to. We cannot open up each piece to see the internal workings of an item as that is not feasible and that would be the responsibility of you, the Buyer. More and more Buyers are placing the blame on the auction company and we do not want to upset you or misrepresent any item so we are placing more of the onus back on you the Buyer - so please conduct your own due diligence before placing bids on any items. Attend the open viewings or call Backes at 319.226.5830 to obtain more information or Sellers phone number so you can talk with them directly.
1A. Everything sells 'where is' 'as is' without an written or assumed warranty or guarantee.
1B. Any items not picked up for in the given time frame will be considered abandoned and Sellers or Backes will retain ownership and discard as they deem necessary. NO refunds for items not picked up. If the items are located at Backes Auction Center, and you have not picked up in three weeks, those items will be considered abandoned and sold on the next auction with Backes retaining the funds for storage fees.
2. All sales are final.
3. Bid accordingly as there are no returns.
4. Removal is buyers' responsibility. Removal: Day of auction from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM & Friday, February 14th from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
5. NO SHIPPING AVAILABLE - local pickup only. Backes can palletize your purchases at a cost to the Buyer. Buyer must then arrange their own shipping company to pick up the assets and also pay for.
6. Call for details on any specific items before placing bids.
6A. Please Note: Backes assumes no liability for the accuracy of the description of the items being offered. If you, the buyer, are relying solely on the description of the item, it is your responsibility to conduct your due diligence prior to bidding on the item and determine what you believe is the asset being offered. If you have any questions, it is your responsibility to answer your questions prior to bidding by any means necessary. If Backes cannot find a make or model number on an item, it will not be shown or assumed. No refunds for Buyer's Remorse if they think it is an item that it is not.
7. It is in your best interest to view these assets or at least make a call to auction company to verify condition of the assets. No refunds to be given due to condition. Buyers responsibility to find out prior to placing bids.
8. If you have to place a charge back on your card - You MUST contact auction company first to explain your reasoning - we do realize there may be some circumstances that arise and Buyer may have the right to a refund BUT any charge backs without prior knowledge to auction company will be taken serious with swift and aggressive action taken by auction company.
9. Buyers shall realize that the auction site maybe a dangerous location and will hold harmless the Seller and/or Backes Auctioneers when they arrive and remove their assets. Buyers may have to at their own discretion use equipment and tools that could be harmful to themselves (falling off ladders or using power tools for examples) and realize they are doing so at their own risk and assume full responsibility for their actions.
10. Any Buyers causing unnecessary damage will have to make full restitution with the Seller. It is in the best interest of the Buyer to have a discussion with the Seller prior to removing any asset that may cause damage to the premises.
11. Buyer NEEDS to bring manpower and the proper tools for removal. Backes and/or the Seller are there to have the facility open and might be able to assist in the removal. Again, call the numbers provided to see what you will need to bring to help expedite your assets from the property.
Sumner, Iowa 50674
United States
Removal: Day of Auction from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM & Friday, February 14th from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Come prepared with the proper manpower, tools, and or totes on removal day.